Monday, June 29, 2009

Voy a Milan!!

For all you non-Spanish speakers: I´M GOING TO MILAN!!!
My roommate and I decided that we wanted to go somewhere this weekend but we didn´t want to pay 500 dollars to go to Morocco. Just for fun, we started looking at flights and found a flight to Milan for 100 € round trip!! Soooo good! Plus, we planned it so that we can still go on our excursions on Friday anddd Monday. We´re gonna be exhausted but I don´t care.

Also, we are booking our trip to Pamplona for Running of the Bulls right now. I´m so glad that we´re taking initiative to be active and do things while we´re here.

Today roommate Holly and I went to the beach. We walked and it took about 25 minutes or so. I went in the Mediterranean and it was perfect! I am lovvinnngg this trip thus far.

Oh yeah, and I also had class today (That is why I´m here, right?) and I think I´m really going to learn a lot. My teacher speaks veryyy quickly but I can pick up on it, which is good for training my ear to understand native Spanish speakers. Overall, I think I will enjoy the class.

My apartment still doesn´t have internet, so my updates will be sporatic. I will write more as soon as I can!

Hasta luego!

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