Monday, June 1, 2009

El dia primero de clases

Today I had my first day of class. I am taking an Art History class called Architecture and Painting in Seville. It is going to be amazing! We are going to take a lottt of field trips so we can see everything first hand. I think we have about 2 field trips a week. This Wednesday we're going to Italica, which is an example of the Roman roots of Sevilla. I'm so excited! The only thing is that this class is going to move verryyy fast - I have my first midterm a week from wednesday!
After class I went shopping and had a great time. Afterwards, I decided I wouldn't look at a map and try to get home. And apparently it worked because here I am writing instead of wandering around the city like a lost puppy.
In not-so-good news, it seems that I'm getting a tad sick. Honestly, I think it's just because I'm constantly breathing in cigarette smoke. There are very minimal smoking laws here, so I always come home smelling like cigarettes whenever I go out. It also may just be the difference in climate from what I'm used to. I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple of days.
Tomorrow we have our first excursion to a Flamenco show. I'll write about it soon!

Hasta luego!

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