Sunday, June 28, 2009


I am finally in Barcelona. My new apartment doesn´t have internet yet, so I haven´t really been able to update. Thus, I have lotttsss to tell you.

I flew into the airport Friday morning and went to our hotel. I had to get linens, so I went with a few girls from my CEA group. It took us sooo long to find the place! I was used to walking everywhere in Sevilla and I didn´t realize that we´d have to take the metro. An hour later, we finally found the linen store. I knew I was just going to leave them here when I was done, so I aimed to find the cheapest ones. The result? Scratchy sheets and a zebra blanket. No, not zebra print - a blanket with an actual zebra on it. Can you believe it was only 5 euros?

So yesterday we finally got into our apartment. SO cute! We are located not even a block from this baby...

It´s the Sagrada Familia, a cathedral that´s been under construction for the past 100 years. Absolutely amazing!

Last night my roommates and I went to the grocery store. When we got in the checkout line, we realized that we had to carry everything that we bought back home. You should have seen us trying to maneuver the metro with tons of shopping bags! Never again...

After shopping, we went to a restaurant where we were overcharged with Sangria then decided to go meet up with some CEA people at the clubs by the beach. On our way there, there were these sketchy guys that kept touching one of my roommates. Since I was the only one that could really speak Spanish, I kept telling him not to touch her but he wouldn´t listen. Then him and his friends started smoking a joint and shoving it in our faces. As I kept telling him not to touch her, he grew more and more angry with me and started yelling at me and telling me he ¨didn´t like my face¨. I think I had really just gotten fed up with being yelled at by men for the last month, so I slapped him across the face.
He stood there for a second, then slapped me as hard as he could across the face. Then his friend spit in my face as they got off the metro. I just stood there absolutely shocked. I was pretty upset and a man on the train followed me out to let me know that all men from barcelona are not like that, and even if you slap a man here he should never ever slap you back. I´m really glad he said something or else that would have tainted my entire view of barcelonian men.

After the slapping incident, I was determined to have a fun night. The first 2 clubs we tried had a 20 euro cover charge (approximately 30 dollars) so we went to some other club on the beach that was free. We danced for a while then headed back home to get sleep for the next day.

Today we took a tour of the city and stopped at this place called the Spanish Quarter. It was built for an exhibition and each area represents a different area of Spain. It has a bunch of shops and restaurants, and most of the stuff there is completely handmade. I wish we could have had more time there.

A few hours ago, we decided to check out the gay pride parade. Sooo much fun! It was HUGE! I had never seen so many feathers and glitter in my life. I´m really glad we decided to take that opportunity and check out what Barcelona has to offer.

Overall, I am loving Barcelona. It has sooo much stuff to do all the time. Oh, and the Tour de France anddd Running of the Bulls is when I´m here! Opportunity of a lifetime!!

I´m going to stop now considering that I´ve written enough for a small novel. Expect much more from me soon!!

Hasta luego!

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