Sunday, June 7, 2009

La semana pasada

So I know I've been pretty M.I.A. on the blog thing, so I'll try to update as much as possible.

On Tuesday night we went to a Flamenco show. It was pretty cool to see, although flamenco music isn't really my thing. All of the dancers were extremely talented and wore bright, fun outfits to go along with it. There was this one dancer who was absolutely amazinggg, but her facial expressions were wayyy too distracting to even enjoy. It seriously looked like she smelled something absolutely horrendous throughout the entire performance.

The next day I went to Italica with my Architecture and Painting class. Italica is an old Roman city about a 15 minute bus ride away, so it was awesome to actually go see what we have been learning about. It was built in 200 A.D., so everything is pretty ruined except for the mosiac floors and some of the larger structures. My favorite part, though, was the amphitheater. It's not as large as the Colleseum, but I like it more because it has a lot less tourists. When we went, we were the only group in there, which allowed me to really get a sense of what it would have been like to actually fight in the arena.

That night, Laura and some of our friends went to a discoteca which was sooo much fun. I really enjoy dancing here more than in the U.S. because the guys are a lot less creepy and dancing is done with more space between the people. The whole vibe is just a lot more fun-oriented, which I like. The only downside is that keeping up with Spanish hours can be a little difficult when you have class 3 hours after you go to bed. I've definitely learned my lesson and I will not be going out on school nights for a looong time.

On Friday we went to Jerez and Conil. Jerez is pretty much the sherry capital of the world, so we took a tour of a vineyard of the brand Tio Pepe. Aside from the repetitive information and the constant Tio Pepe propaganda, it was cool to see how it was all done. The best part though, as all of my friends can attest to, was the unnecessary Disneyland-like train that chauffered us to every area of the vineyard. Honestly, we probably could have walked it quicker, but it was fun nonetheless.
Conil was up next. Conil is a little beach town along the Atlantic Ocean. It was cute, but it was pretty windy and cold when we got there. (Of course, being the most pale person alive, I still somehow managed to get burned). The highlight was my first half swim-half walk in the Atlantic Ocean, which was pretty amazing the people in my program as I am one of 2 people from the west coast. Don't worry, there are pictures to commemorate the occasion.

This weekend we went to Granada, but I will put that in the next post to break it up a little bit.

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