Monday, June 15, 2009

Soy extrana

Nothing that new to report, except I got 100% on my midterm! Chicka chicka yeahhh.
It's hottt and it's supposed to get up to 105 degrees this weekend. I'm hoping it will be much cooler in Portugal.
Yesterday I went to the Cathedral with my roommates and our new Australian friends (they were in Sevilla for the weekend). It was beautiful, but we could only really see half of it because it was roped off for mass. I'm going to go see it again tomorrow with my class since we're studying Gothic architecture, so I'm really hoping I get to see the rest of it.
Later that night we got ice cream (my new obsession) with the Australian girls and then had to say goodbye :-(. They were so sweet and funny and I wish they were in our program. They seriously made me want to visit Australia just to meet more friendly people like them.
Not much else to report, although we did almost burn the house down (a gross exaggeration) trying to figure out how to manually light a gas oven. If anybody has any tips, pleaseee let me know as I feel rather pathetic that I don't know how to do this.
Tomorrow we are going paddle boating on the river...should be interesting.

Hasta luego!

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