Thursday, June 18, 2009

Me molestan las bicis

So here goes the funny story:
On Tuesday I decided to rent a bike for a week to save myself some time and just to spare my feet from all of the walking. Sevilla has a really good system where you can pick up a bike at 1 of 300 locations and drop it off anywhere you want.
So Tuesday morning before class I decided to pick up a bike. I was a little wobbly at first, but it was okay. It wasn't until I got onto the bridge that I realized my bicycle inexperience may be a problem. For some reason I didn't realize that I could stop pedaling and even press the brake without falling off. Thus, I ran into the railing of the bridge to avoid hitting someone. The second time I just decided to plow on by the person. The third time I almost ran over a little kid, and by the time I crashed into a baby stroller, I decided to walk the bike the rest of the way there. (Don't worry, the angry young couple was carrying their baby at the time).
So once I got to the station, there weren't any spots to put my bike. So I waited. And waited. And waited for somebody to come take a bike. 10 minutes later, nobody came. So I decided to walk my bike to another station. I ended up getting lost on the way there, and on the way back, making me 30 minutes late to class. From then on out, I vowed to never ride a bike again.
Untill....3 hours later. My roommates had bought a week long pass the same day, so we decided that if we all rode in a line, with me at the back, that people would move out of the way with enough time to spare. And guess what?? I'm cured! I finally figured out how to ride a bike! I've been riding it everywhere ever since. So I guess all's well that ends well...
Not much is new other than that. I went on a paddle boating excursion with my program on the river, but once again my roommates and I were late due to the bikes, so we had to ride with our angry program coordinator. Whooppsiesss. It still was a lot of fun though.
And tomorrow I go to PORTUGAL!! I am so excited!! I will definitely write about it once I get back.

Muchos besos!

P.S. I found an Internet cafe where I can upload pictures, so there will be some soon to come!

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