Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mi dia final en sevilla

Today is my last day in Sevilla. As I was biking around the city today, I got so sad because this truly is a beautiful place. I´m going to miss it here.

Yesterday somebody stopped me to ask me for directions in Spanish. I was super stoked because
  1. They thought I looked like I knew where I was going (aka I look Spanish) and
  2. They assumed I spoke Spanish well.

I told them where the bus station was in Spanish, but I told her that she should ask somebody else down the street because my Spanish isn´t very good. She promptly corrected me and told me I speak Spanish very well! So that was flattering, and even if she didn´t mean it, it´s still very nice of her to say. I really appreciate comments like that because it gives me a little more confidence to speak Spanish to the locals.

Last night we went to a club called Aqua. I had my final today, but we heard this club was really cool so we decided to check it out for a little bit. Although it was small, it was awesome! It had 2 pool connected by a waterfall, various lounge areas, and a tank of water where a mermaid dancer was supposed to swim (she wasn´t on by the time we left). It was awesome to see it before we left.

My final went well today. I´m really going to miss interesting classes and professors that know your name.

Today my roommates and I are going shopping and I´m hoping to go check out Plaza de Espana very briefly. It´s hard to cram everything in in one day!!
Tonight is our farewell dinner at a nice restaurant. Then everybody from my group is going to Buddha, our favorite club. Should be a fun night, even though we have to wake up at 6 AM.

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