Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Milan es un ciudad muy extrano

So I have returned from my whirlwind trip to Milan. I really don´t think this blog will do it justice, but I will try.

Saturday: We woke up at 4 AM (before my other roommate even got home) to catch a taxi to the airport. We didn´t have any baggage to check or anything, so it made the whole process sooo much easier. After a plane ride, a train ride, and a metro, we emerged into...a parking lot. (Uhhh my first view of Milan is a parking lot??) We stopped at a fruit store for directions, and quickly learned that you are not allowed to touch the fruit you are purchasing in Italy (apparently they have to pick it up for you). We somehow got directions to our hostel even though neither Holly nor I speak a word of Italian. We finally got to our hostel on the 4th floor and were greeted by a 20 something Italian man that was still drunk from the night before (or so he told us). We couldn´t check in yet, so he invited us to drink cappuccino downstairs..which we got for free. You will come to see that ¨Fo´ Free¨ will be the motto of this trip
We hopped on the metro and went to see some sites. We saw the castle (no idea of its significance) and the big cathedral (didn´t feel like changing so we could go inside). We walked around the main shopping area where alll of the designer shops are. Sooo many of the main labels are from Milan: Prada, Gucci, Armani, and Versace. We went inside, looked at 1000€ purses and shoes, and had a great time. After a nice lunch (gnocci in pesto sauce) and a little more (window) shopping and walking around, we went back to our hostel.
Holly and I booked a 10 person co-ed dorm since it was the cheapest option. When we were taken to our room, we were put in a 2 person, queen bed room with its own shower. FO´ FREE. We didn´t pay for the upgrade, and we didn´t even end up paying for the hostel room at all. We stood there laughing for a full minute because we were sooo confused by the whole situation.
We went downstairs and asked to rent towels and use their computer. He gave us the towels (FO´ FREE) and let us use his laptop to go online. He even offered to cook us dinner that night.
Instead, we decided to check out some ¨appertivos¨. In Italy, if you order a drink, you get to use the buffet FO´ FREE. We went to a cute place called Le Bicciclette and quickly made friends with the bartender. After 2 specialty drinks and 2 shots FO´ FREE we decided to head home. (Totally forgot to mention that there was an Italian motorcycle race on TV...at LAGUNA SECA!! Apparently everybody knows about Laguna Seca in Italy...)
Sunday: I´ll finish later because it´s time for class!!

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