Monday, July 20, 2009

Lo siento para la pausa larga

Heyyy everybody. Sorry for the delay in writing - I guess I just got a little lazy as of late. I will do my best to update you on the last week...

Last weekend my friends and I went to Pamplona for Running of the Bulls. It was absolutely ridiculous!! We got there around 8 PM and stayed up all night until the bull running the next morning at 8. Everybody (including us) was dressed in white from head to toe with a red bandana and a red sash around the waist. There were so many people I can't even describe it to you. Many of my friends likened it to Mardi Gras, if that gives you any idea. We walked in parades, watched fireworks, and slept in a field for an hour or two. I didn't know until a few days ago, but apparently while I was sleeping, some guy came up and cuddled next to my face. Luckily those of us sleeping had our other friends around to "keep watch" to make sure we didn't get anything stolen or get ourselves stolen.
That morning was the running of the bulls. We waited by the fence (they put up a giant wooden fence every morning where the bulls run) starting at 6 AM to get a spot. I swear those were the most painful 2 hours of my life. Just imagine trying to get some sleep while sitting on a narrow rung of a wooden fence!! Needless to say, it was pretty uncomfortable.
As I was sitting there, an American couple offered for me to take the man's spot while he was running with the bulls. I was so excited to get a seat on the fence so I could see everything!! Balancing on that fence for a half an hour, however, wasn't that much fun. 15 minutes before the bulls ran, I started to feel very sick and my feet started to fall asleep because of the position of my body. I had to get down because I felt sick, and a man took my spot! I yelled at him in English and Spanish but of course he either 1) Didn't understand me (unlikely) or 2) Didn't care. Needless to say I was in a pretty foul mood when I didn't even get the chance to see the bulls go by. I watched the video afterwards, however, and it was prettyyy brutal. My day was one of the worst days of all with 4 people gored by the bulls, 2 of them seriously. This year was the first in 10 years where somebody actually died (don't worry - it wasn't the day I was there.)
Here is a video of the Sunday running in case you're interested. Don't watch the last minute or so if you can't handle gore (like myself).

Picture of the ladies from Running of the Bulls:

Other than Pamplona, this past week was pretty tame. Until I went to Madrid with my program, of course. We had to take a 9 hour bus ride to get there (which, I must say, was 100 times better than the 6 hour bus ride to Pamplona). Unlucky for me, I got some sort of 24 hour flu or food poisoning right before I left. And honestly, there is nothing worse than a 9 hour bus ride while you're puking into a plastic bag. Luckily I only had one spell like that, but the rest of the ride was pretty miserable (and not to mention embarassing). When we got to Madrid I slept the rest of the day and was fine to go out (although not drink or eat anything too crazy) with my friends.

I have class so I'll update the rest when I get a chance!!

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