Monday, July 20, 2009

Vamos a continuar

Read the last post first...this is just the end of my weekend in Madrid.

So the first night (after our FREE dinner) my friends and I tried to go to a bar with live jazz. The cover was a little too steep for us, so after much thought, we settled on the first place we saw to get some drinks. Oddly enough, this ended up being an ice cream store. Needless to say, the drinks were less drink-like and more slushy-like. I´m almost glad I didn´t feel well so I didn´t waste my money on them.

After that we went to a Middle Eastern restaurant/bar. My friends ordered a giant tube of Sangria (it had 5 liters!!). They got to the point where they couldn´t even finish it. I´ve never seen anything like it before!!

The next day we had a walking/bus tours of the city. I loved it!! Madrid is absolutely gorgeous. Among the many highlights was a man trying to get a taxi with a black eye and blood all over the front and back of his shirt. I definitelyyy kept my distance...

We also went to the Reina Sofia Museum of Modern Art which was veryyy strange. I´m not a huge fan of modern art, so many of the pieces were almost laughable to me. This was one of our favorites:

I also got the chance to see Picasso´s Guernica, which was amazing! It was huge and very awe-inspiring. If you don´t know what it is, you should definitely google it.

That night we decided to go all out and go to this club that everybody was talking about called Kapital. It was SEVEN stories and had different music and ambience on every story. The first floor was my favorite - it had go-go dancers dressed as sailors and intense dance music. It got so hot that every 10 minutes or so there was a hugeee burst of cold air over the entire dance floor. Before we knew it, it was 6:30 in the morning and the club was closing!! I didn´t know I could ever stay up that late dancing, but I guess time really does fly when you´re having fun. My friends and I ended up walking home while the sun was rising.

All in all, it was a greatttt weekend!! I am so excited to go back to Madrid this weekend and hit up all the touristy places that I missed out on. (Especially a churros and chocolate place and the Sorolla exhibit at the Prado Museum).

This week is my last week in Barcelona. I am trying to live it up as much as possible!! I´ll let you know how it goes....

P.S. My roommate is getting a bunny today!! She´s taking it back home with her but she wanted to have it a few days before flying it home. I had to severely hold myself back from buying one myself.

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