Thursday, May 28, 2009

El dia primero en Sevilla

After a 2 hour drive to SFO, 3 1/2 hour flight to Dallas, 5 hour layover in Dallas, 9 hour flight to Madrid, 30 minute cab ride to the train station, and a 2 1/2 train ride to Sevilla, I am finally here!

Laura, (a friend from Berkeley) met me at the train station, and I am soooo thankful that she is here to show me around. My program doesn't start until Friday, so I am staying in a hostel on my own for two days. Yesterday Laura took me on a tour around Sevilla to see the Cathedral and to get yummy mini sandwiches, tinto de verano, and ice cream. She has introduced me to the beauty of Principe (bombbb cookie with chocolate filling) and boxed vino (only 50 cents...amazing) Once again I am soooo glad that she is here. I severely doubt I would even be able to find my hostel without her.

So even with Laura, this journey has not come without learning experiences. First of all, I have learned to ask directions. It took me 45 minutes to find the train - inside of the train station. Pretty embarassing to ask somebody where the train is when you're one floor below it. Also, I have learned that I need to set an alarm. I woke up to an empty train when we arrived in Sevilla. God knows how long I was sleeping there and how long I would have continued to sleep if I didn't somehow wake myself up.
Also, I have learned to read directions. When I was using my computer charger, I didn't realize that you had to change the converter to different settings depending on what kind of appliance I was using. Yep, definitely used the 1600 watt setting on a 50 watt appliance. Needless to say, my charger is no longer functioning. I'm hoping if I give it a little rest it will come back to life... ?(and Mom, don't worry, I have found chargers on ebay for 14 dollars with free international shipping).

Despite all the tribulations, I am absolutely loving Sevilla. There will definitely be more stories to come, so stay posted.

Hasta luego!

UPDATE: Charger works. Aye aye aye!!

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